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National Conference of State Legislatures - Task Force

Federation of State Medical Board - Opioid & Pain Management

National Academy of Sciences - Institutional Structure, Policies and Procedures

National Academy of Medicine

Creating a Framework for Emerging Science, Technology, and Innovation in Health and Medicine Builds on the work of the National Academy of Medicine Committee on Emerging Science, Technology, and Innovation, a National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine ad hoc committee will develop a cross-sectoral coordinated governance framework founded upon core ethical principles with a focus on equity, for considering the potential benefits and risks that emerging science, technology, and innovation in health and medicine can bring to society. The committee will:

1. Assess the existing ecosystem for cross-sectoral governance of emerging technologies in health and medicine with a focus on identifying governance gaps and unintended consequences raised by the current ecosystem;
2. Identify specific governance approaches at various points in the technology lifecycle to meaningfully translate key ethics principles into the governance ecosystem, with a particular focus on justice, equity and fairness;

3. Consider how to empower emerging technology stakeholders by aligning incentives to facilitate the development and use of transformative technologies while also mitigating potential risks and enhancing societal benefit; and
4. Recommend specific strategies and practical approaches to improve cross-sectoral and coordinated governance of emerging technologies (e.g., forecasting mechanisms, coordination across sectors, principle-aligned governance levers, and public engagement) and to align governance with guiding ethics principles.

The committee's report will provide guidance for how to manage the risks, benefits, and ethical and societal implications of new technologies. While the committee will pay particular attention to the governance ecosystem in the United States, mechanisms to coordinate cross-border governance issues should also be considered where applicable.

National Academy of Medicine

The Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act (CARA; P.L. 114-198) was signed into law in 2016 to help address the challenges of overdose deaths and opioid use disorder, and to expand access to evidence-based treatment. Among these efforts was the authorization of four grant programs to be overseen by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).

In 2018, SAMHSA requested that the National Academies establish a committee to conduct a review of the four programs, which focus primarily on opioids, but occasionally include treatment and recovery services for co- occurring substance use disorders. The review resulted in three consensus study reports over five years. This third and final report aims to (1) understand the processes of the four grant programs; actions taken by grantees and their partners; impacts to clients, patients, the community, and public; and structural or environmental changes that might have resulted from grant funding, and (2) analyze how future congressionally mandated evaluations can be structured and carried out to better support policy makers.

Download the Full Report Here: Review of four CARA Programs and Preparing for Future

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, Washington, D.C.

Whole health is physical, behavioral, spiritual, and socioeconomic well-being as defined by individuals, families, and communities. Whole health care is an interprofessional, team-based approach anchored in trusted relationships to promote well-being, prevent disease, and restore health. It aligns with a person's life mission, aspiration, and purpose. It shifts the focus from a reactive disease-oriented medical care system to one that prioritizes disease prevention, health, and well-being. It changes the health care conversation from "What’s wrong with you?" to "What matters to you?"

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), the Samueli Foundation, and the Whole Health Institute commissioned the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine to establish a committee to provide guidance on how to fill gaps and create processes to accelerate the transformation to whole health care for veterans, both inside and outside the VA system, and the rest of the U.S. population. The resulting report presents findings and recommendations that provide a roadmap for improving health and well-being for veterans and the nation.

National Academy of Medicine

FDA’s DSCSA Pilot Project Program

FDA’s DSCSA Pilot Project Program was designed to test and improve organizational systems and processes of a Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA) interoperability governance body. This Pilot was therefore predicated on the ability of industry members from across the pharmaceutical supply chain to come together and successfully establish a governance body to support implementation of the DSCSA 2023 requirements.

Partnership for DSCASA Governance

Trust for America's Health

2023 Pain in the Nation includes three sections: (1) a special feature on youth mental health, well-being, and suicidal behaviors; (2) a review of the latest mortality trends from alcohol, drugs, and suicide for all groups; and (3) an outline of key policy recommendations that, if implemented, can reduce alcohol, drug, and suicide deaths in the country and promote well- being for all Americans.

The ideaology of the implementation of a National Resilience Strategy is promoted by Trust for America's Health as a solution to the issues they identified in their Pain in the Nation report.

Pain in the Nation Annual Updates & more: HERE

Consumer Pain Advocacy Task Force

Consumer Pain Advocacy Task Force lead an effort of 73 organizations in writing to the President’s Commission on Combating Drug Addiction and the Opioid Crisis, highlighting the need to implement the National Pain Strategy as part of a long-term strategy to address the chronic pain and opioid epidemics.

2009 - 2017 Activities & Major Milestones towards the National Pain Strategy.

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