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There are hundreds of private, for-profit and non-profit organizations working with the United States federal agencies, through the public-private partnership framework.  As of 2023, no laws or regulations exist requiring these organizations to disclose their participation. 


Citizens Interest believes the public has a right to know when organizations and individuals are involved in these public-private partnership initiatives and the extent of their activities. 


A number of major organizations and academic institutions are actively engaged in public, private-partnership initiatives in biotechnology, healthcare delivery, public-health policy and their related stakeholders. Below is a short list of some of these entities and their activities. Citizens Interest believes in full transparency and that all individuals have a right to understand the various factors driving policy changing in the nation. By providing this list of organizations involved in public, private-partnership initiatives, we seek to inform the citizen stakeholders. 


Citizens interest does not support the below NGO organizations.  Website under construction.

Citizens Interest Does NOT Support the Below Organizations

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