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TIPPA Conference Presentations - Lauren and Shasta
Delivered two presentations at the International Publication Planning Meeting; "The Pursuit of Public Health & How to Build Trust in the Industry" and "Understanding the Powerful Impact of Trusted Voices".

Lauren Presentation iPain Conference
Lauren Deluca, joined the iPain Conference where she presented, "The National Pain Strategy: Is It Working."

Lauren Deluca Presentation - Chapman University
Lauren Deluca gave a presentation to the Chapman Spoonie's at Chapman University where she shared our organization's founding story, current research findings, and organizational goals to advocate for people to receive individualized health care; free of discrimination and bias.

Lauren Presentation Touro University
Lauren Deluca, joined the Patient Advocacy Show with faculty and students from Touro University to discuss the new rule from HHS in the 2021 CPT manual regarding guidelines for office and outpatient evaluation and management services (E/M).

Shasta Rayne - Presentation - TIPPA Conference
Shasta Rayne Harner, joined The International Publication Planning Meeting to discuss patient advocacy with clinical researchers from around the globe. Her presentation, Words Matter, focused on research and its direct implications on medical care, treatments, and the overall care a patient receives, and how researchers to be thoughtful with the language they elect to use in their work.
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